Navigating the Spectrum: Understanding and Elevating Your Levels of Vibration

In a universe governed by laws beyond our immediate comprehension, the concept of vibrational levels serves as a profound cornerstone in understanding the forces at play in our lives. The ‘levels of vibration’ reflect the frequency at which our inner essence resonates, influencing not only our individual experiences but also the collective consciousness. This blog […]

Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors

thoughts, feelings and behaviors

Your life is the total of your thoughts, feeling, and behaviors. All of the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that you have throughout the day, are putting you in this exact spot in life – in this exact moment in time. All you have – all you are – are from the sum total of your […]

The Feeling Is The Secret

The Feeling Is The Secret

The Feeling Is The Secret is a book by Neville Goddard, who I believe is one of the godfathers of law of attraction. What he teaches in The Feeling Is The Secret, and his other teachings, goes far beyond what The Secret does in modern age. Specifically, he touches on one main piece that I see […]

What Would You Do If You Knew You Could Not Fail

what wold you do if you knew you couldn't fail

There is a process – a framework – to manifesting everything you want in your life. It isn’t rocket science. There is actually a science to prove it works. The best place to start? Ask yourself: What would you do if you knew you could not fail? One of the first steps in the framework […]